Thursday, February 07, 2008

Chilly Goodness

Tonight was one of my coldest runs this Winter, but I think it was also one of my best. On the way home I whispered a prayer of thanks that I live in a land of such varied seasons. In some ways I've always been thankful for Winter because it makes me appreciate Summer that much more. But I tonight I was able to appreciate the cold and the snow for just what is was. It felt clean and crisp outside, and there's a satisfaction that I get from Winter running that just isn't present in Summer.
Your body doesn't have to work so hard to cool itself for one thing. In fact, my internal heating system seems to work so well that I've yet to finish a run with my gloves still on. I usually take them off about halfway through.
There's also the light factor. I appreciate the long days of summer, but I also enjoy the quiet stillness of a winter night. There aren't too many people out, and I feel at peace running through the streets of my neighborhood.
Praise God for seasons.

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